Paul Pennant
Founder - Today's PA, Multi Award-Winning Assistant Trainer

Maximise Your Microsoft Teams Experience with Paul Pennant.

In a world where effective collaboration is key, many still underutilise the powerful features of Microsoft Teams. Join Certified Microsoft Trainer Paul Pennant in a transformative session that goes beyond basic calls and meetings. Discover the overlooked potentials of Teams, learning to integrate applications, manage documents efficiently, and streamline communications with simple yet powerful tools. This session is more than a guide; it's a gateway to enhancing your professional efficiency and collaboration capabilities. Embrace the full spectrum of Teams functionalities with Paul and redefine your workday dynamics. Prepare to unlock the hidden powers of Microsoft Teams and revolutionise your approach to digital collaboration.

We’ll start with some basics:
✔ Getting started with and navigating Microsoft Teams
✔ Creating, joining and editing Teams and members
✔ Using text chats and channels, sharing files, taking notes and using whiteboard
✔ Adding Wikis, Tabs and Apps
✔ Using Search and Command functions

Later in the session you will learn some amazing advanced features that will make you look more professional, save you time and achieve better results while working with your manager and/or team.

Paul Pennant will show you how to:
✔ Make a Teams call from any email received by clicking one button
✔ Use Breakout Rooms
✔ Add “Chat to me in Teams” in your email signature
✔ Give access to your Channel even if they are not a member
✔ Find the email address for any Channel you created
✔ Invite guests to join your private Team conversations
✔ Email a conversation to Outlook
✔ Add Workflows
✔ Add “Meet Now” button to your Outlook Quick Access Bar
✔ Carry out live polls while in a meeting
✔ Have a sophisticated filing system
✔ Co-collaborate on documents
✔ Protect files so they cannot be edited
✔ Mute chats from busy Teams so you can get on with your work
✔ Use PowerPoint Presenter mode allowing you access to: your presentation, notes, future slides, chat panel, videos of delegates
✔ Integrate MS Forms, Survey Monkey, Zoom, Trello and MailChimp to your chats and channels.

This day is only available to conference attendees and cannot be booked on its own.

Paul Pennant
Founder - Today's PA, Multi Award-Winning Assistant Trainer
Paul Pennant
Founder - Today's PA, Multi Award-Winning Assistant Trainer

Master Microsoft Outlook with Paul Pennant: A Course for Unleashing Productivity.

Unlock the full potential of Microsoft Outlook in this essential course by Paul Pennant. Dive into the underused features of Outlook and learn how to save time and reduce stress in your daily workflow. Discover advanced task management techniques, innovative calendar functions, and efficient mail organisation strategies. Enhance your collaboration with insights into integrating Outlook with Teams. This course is more than just a tutorial; it's your path to transforming Outlook into a powerhouse of productivity and seamless organisation. Join Paul and revolutionise the way you manage your digital life with Microsoft Outlook.

Paul has been teaching time saving and productivity tips in Outlook since 2005 and has helped 1000s of Office Professionals. The average delegate attending this course discovers they can save themselves over 90mins a day.

Important Information: In this course, we will be focusing on the Classic Outlook version, rather than the New Outlook version. Additionally, the content is tailored for PC users and is not designed for Mac users.

This course will cover the following areas:

Outlook Tasks
✔ 16 Ways to add items to your Task list
✔ Mastering Categories with Tasks
✔ 90 sample Categories used by past delegates
✔ Assigning a Task as an email
✔ Co-work by sharing your Task list
✔ Using Tasks to manage projects

✔ 5 ways to convert an email into a Meeting Request
✔ Sending your Calendar availability as an email
✔ Colouring all appointments automatically without using categories
✔ Managing time zones seamlessly
✔ Scheduling appointments quickly using overlay
✔ Using FindTime to automatically find out when everyone is free for a meeting
✔ Creating your own calendar with personalised data

✔ Creating Outlook groups to enable true collaboration
✔ Sending personalised emails to 1000s – even with attachments
✔ Colour coding incoming emails
✔ Advanced searching of emails
✔ Creating custom search folders for future use
✔ Changing the subject and content of any email you receive
✔ Using Quick Parts for brilliant email templates
✔ Using Rules to manage incoming/outgoing emails

✔ Learn all the ways Outlook and Teams work together

This day is only available to conference attendees and cannot be booked on its own.

Paul Pennant
Founder - Today's PA, Multi Award-Winning Assistant Trainer
9.00 - 9.05

Ella Marshall

By the Conference chair Ella Marshall

Dive into our lively icebreaker, a perfect way to get acquainted with fellow Assistants, setting the stage for a day filled with ease and friendly interactions.

Jess Coles
Management Coach and Consultant

How well your boss thinks of you impacts what you work on, your professional development, your enjoyment, and your career progress. The best bit – there is a lot you can do to encourage your boss to think highly of you, which doesn’t involve signing yourself up for lots of extra work to try to impress them.

Learn (or improve) critical actions to impress any boss and improve your most important work relationship. I have used these actions consistently with lots of different bosses throughout my career, gaining 13 promotions in 13 years, many in amazing companies like Innocent Drinks. Proactively and successfully manage your boss with honesty and authenticity.

10.20 - 10.40

Daniel Dzikowski
Author, High Performance Executive Coach and Business Psychologist

In his talk, Daniel will delve into the fascinating realm of hidden emotions and their profound impact on our daily lives. It's a fact that most individuals harbour concealed emotions, and these clandestine feelings significantly influence how we perceive the world around us. When left unattended, these emotions cloud our judgment and obstruct our ability to gain a clear and unfiltered understanding of various situations, the people we interact with, and, most importantly, ourselves.

A crucial aspect of this exploration lies in recognising that these emotions if left unaddressed, act as a formidable constraint on our capacity to communicate effectively. They become the unseen barriers that silently erode the quality of our personal and professional interactions.

This talk aims to shed light on these covert emotional influencers, offering insights into how they manifest and the consequences they impose upon our communication. By bringing these emotions to the forefront and providing strategies for addressing them, we aspire to liberate our communicative prowess, enhance our connections, and unlock the doors to a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Unlock the secrets to a successful professional partnership in this panel discussion. Discover from industry experts the dynamic and integral roles both managers and assistants play in driving organisational success. Gain insights into effective communication, mutual respect, and strategic collaboration that make this relationship not just functional but exceptional.

Jess Coles, Management Coach and Consultant
Koren O’Connor, Head of Secretarial Services at CMS
Jacqueline Bulmer, Assistant Secretarial Services Managers at CMS,
Ella Marshall, Senior Account Executive at Figma
Paul Pennant, MD at Today's PA

12.15 - 13.15

Yvonne D Dowie
Culture Change Speaker

You will be taken on the journey of 5 C’s, in how You, the Assistant, can be supported by others to build bridges to achieve success through effective communication.

Paul Pennant
MD, Today’s PA

In the dynamic and demanding role of Assistants, leveraging cutting-edge technology is key to efficiency and excellence. In this session, we'll explore how AI tools like ChatGPT and Copilot are revolutionising the landscape for Assistants. We'll delve into how ChatGPT's advanced conversational capabilities can streamline communication, manage schedules, and provide instant information, while Copilot's coding assistance transforms the way EAs handle technical tasks and data management.

This presentation will highlight practical examples and strategies, demonstrating how these AI tools empower Assistants to enhance their productivity, creativity, and decision-making skills, ultimately leading to a more effective and innovative support system for business leaders.

15.00 - 15.30

Paul Pennant
MD, Today's PA

In today's rapidly evolving business environment, effective communication and teamwork are pivotal for success. This session offers an insightful journey into the world of SharePoint as a transformative tool for communication. We will explore how SharePoint facilitates seamless collaboration, breaking down silos and fostering a culture of shared knowledge and ideas.

We will delve into practical strategies for leveraging SharePoint's features - from document management to integrated communication platforms like Teams - to enhance team efficiency and productivity. By harnessing the power of SharePoint, businesses can not only streamline their internal processes but also create a more engaged and connected workforce, ready to meet the challenges of the modern workplace.

Sarah Howson, Marianne Whitlock
Strategic PA Recruitment

Discover the art of impactful CV communication in our interactive 'CV Clinic' designed for Executive Assistants. Acquire skills to strategically showcase your strengths, with a special emphasis on creating a powerful first impression. Elevate your professional profile and feel inspired to create a CV that not only showcases your career journey but also effectively communicates your value to prospective employers.

16.30 - 16.40

Paul Pennant
Founder - Today's PA